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  1. Be as receptive and open to the massage process as possible.

  2. Don’t eat just before a massage session. Let your body digest your meal first.

  3. Be on time (10-5 minbefore). If you arrive in a frenzied, rushed state, it may take longer to relax.

  4. Take off only as much clothing as you are comfortable removing. If you don’t want to remove your clothing, wear clothing that will be comfortable during the massage and will allow the massage therapist to touch and move the areas of your body you expect will need to be massaged.
    Privacy – The therapist will either leave the room or otherwise provide privacy while you undress. A sheet or towel is provided for draping during the massage and the therapist will uncover only the part of your body being massaged, ensuring that modesty is respected at all times. After the massage is finished, you will be provided with privacy while dressing.

  5. Communicate with your massage therapist

    • Before the session, fill out the anamnesis questionnaire that your therapist will give to you.

    • Some massage therapists play recorded music during the massage session. Others find music distracting. If it’s provided, let your massage therapist know if you have any music preferences or if you would prefer they turn off the music.

    • Some people like to talk during a massage, while others remain silent. Tell your massage therapist what you prefer.

    • During the massage session, report any discomfort, whether it’s from the massage or due to any problems or distractions related to the environment, e.g., room temperature, music volume, lighting, etc.

    • Give feedback to the massage therapist during the massage on the amount of pressure, speed of hand movement, etc. If anything happens that you dislike or seems improper, you have the right to ask the massage therapist to stop. If necessary, you also have the right to end the session.

    • Don’t be afraid to discuss any apprehensions or concerns. It’s important that you be as comfortable as possible during your massage.

  6. Remember to breathe normally. Breathing helps facilitate relaxation. People often stop or limit their breathing when they feel anxious or a sensitive area is massaged.

  7. Relax your muscles and your mind. Tightening up by contracting or hardening your muscles during the massage is counterproductive. Let your massage therapist know this is happening. 

  8. Drink extra water after your massage.

  9. Don’t get up too quickly and do allow for some open, quiet time after your massage session. 

  10. Be prepared to schedule several massage sessions. Massage has its greatest benefits over time. The therapeutic effects of massage are cumulative, so the more often you get a massage, the better you will feel and the more quickly your body will respond. From one session to the next, relaxation deepens as the chronic patterns of stress in the body are affected and released. If you’re getting massage to address chronic muscular tension or recovery from a soft tissue injury, more than one session is usually needed.

  11. When you get your Slot, remember that you can cancel your massage session at least 12 HOURS IN ADVANCE otherwise you will be charged 50% of the total price. This for the respect of the massage therapist and for the other clients. 


How Long Should You Rest After a Sports Massage?

To experience the maximum benefits of a sports massage, you should rest for 24-48 hours after a massage to allow time for muscle recovery. You shouldn’t workout within this timeframe, but you can partake in light exercises, such as walking, swimming, and Pilates.


At a minimum, you should rest for at least 24 hours after your massage to ensure your muscles have plenty of time to repair themselves. Post-massage soreness is completely normal after a sports massage, and your muscles may still feel tight after 48 hours, which is a sign they are still recovering.

Why Should You Rest After a Sports Massage?

There are a few reasons why you should rest for at least 24 hours after a sports massage, we explore some of the reasons below:

Risk of Injury: After a massage, your muscles and connective tissues are more pliable and soft, which could increase your chances of an injury. If you take part in strenuous exercise (such as weightlifting, or running) soon after a sports massage, you are putting yourself at risk of straining your muscles and tissue, which could result in swelling, bruising, and loss of strength.

Dehydration: When your muscles are trying to recover after a massage, your body uses up more water. Because of this, your chances of becoming dehydrated are increased. You should avoid excessive sweating and give your body time to get back to its normal hydration state. We’d also advise that you drink plenty of water before and after your massage to help speed up your sports massage recovery.

DOMS: Delayed onset muscle soreness, also known as DOMS, is the achy feeling you get after an intense workout. DOMS after a sports massage is completely normal, as your muscles are working hard to repair themselves. If you workout while experiencing DOMS, you aren’t giving your muscles enough time to heal, and your workout may also be quite painful.

How Long are Your Muscles Sore After a Sports Massage?

You may experience delayed onset muscle soreness after a sports massage due to the technique we use that carries nutrients and blood to your muscles. The soreness usually peaks after 24 hours, like it would after any other workout. Most of the DOMS will be gone after 48 hours, but it could even last longer than that.

Can You Work Out After a Sports Massage?

To ensure your body has time to recover after a sports massage, you should avoid heavy workouts for at least 24 hours after the massage. Heavy workouts may include running, weightlifting, and climbing. If you want to stay active, try partaking in light exercises, such as walking, swimming, and gentle stretches.

How Often Should You Get a Sports Massage?

The frequency at which you get massages will depend on how active you are and the goals you want to achieve with your session. If you’re part of a sports team or partake in heavy exercise, you may want to go for a sports massage once a week. This ensures your muscles have the chance to relax, and any smaller niggles can be sorted before they become painful. If you have an injury, speak to your massage therapist and see how many sessions they’d recommend for a speedy recovery.

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